Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter is around the Bend!

Hooray...I think...I repeat, I think that my daughter, SIL and grandson might just be here for Easter. I love Easter because it allows me to
--work in the garden getting ready to show off my back yard;
--pull out the blue Easter Tree (I know it's corny) and decorate it with all my Easter ornaments;
--drag out Susannah's collection of ceramic rabbits that she got each year in her Easter basket (I love the little Beatrice Potter family with the baby kittens--that is what a baby rabbit is called)
-- pull out the Easter baskets that have been left at my house over the years. This year I bought one for Anderson that looks and quacks like a duck. Sydney's has a purple boa. Sigh;
-- buy lots and lots of plastic eggs to put toy cars, splash toys, rings, bugs, candy and change in. Amy Thomas told me that last year Trey found enough money in his eggs to pay the light bill.

So...I go a little Easter ridiculous. I'm already trying to get Bob to fertilize the grass (he says you don't fertilize until May--) Bah, Farmer McGregor!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Things I hate (actually just pet peeves)

My daughter, Susannah, is always writing about things she loves. With thirty more years experience and a few more husbands under my belt, I thought I'd write about things I hate:

#1 on the list: Street humps. In England, they call them, "sleeping policemen." I get so angry everytime I have to slow down to 5 miles an hour (I know it says 20 but you'd ruin your tires) to cross over a hump just because someone doesn't want any traffic on their street. Excuse me--but isn't that what a street is for? Why does our city allow 75% residents on each side of a street (definition: n. a public thoroughfare, usually paved, in a village, town, or city, including the sidewalk or sidewalks) to determine that my tax dollars can be spent to build a hump so I cannot pass through without practically stopping a paying a toll (the toll being an eruption of my temper)? So what do I do? When I come up to a hump, I stop, look and blow my horn very loudly to protect the children who are tied to their computers but may unknowingly stumble out of their homes into the dangerous thoroughfare. There--I've done my duty and am protecting the children of the world. I know their parents appreciate my thoughfulness, especially late at night. By now, they've got my tag number and have woken up the sleeping policeman.

#2 on my hate list (this is a very purging and calming exercise, by the way) are left lane drivers. Pul-leeze-- I know you plan to turn left 5 miles up ahead but could you just please move over to the right and allow me to pass? What is especially maddening is when you have your exact matchmate traveling in the right lane at 50 miles an hour (in a 65 mile zone) and the rest of us are behind you and plotting both of your demises.

#3 on the list are people using their cell phones who are either driving and talking/texting at the same time (which obviously cannot be done by the swerving going on) or people who are behind you in the grocery store who are talking (always loudly so we know they have friends and a life)using a bluetooth and I think they are talking to me. I try to smile sweetly and raise my eyebrow like "are you talking to me?" but there is no eye contact.

That's enough to keep Susannah from fussing about me never blogging. Actually,I had fun. Now, I'll go to bed and tuck myself into the bed beside my #4 pet peeve-- husbands who fall asleep at 8 o'clock at night and snore loudly.