Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter is around the Bend!

Hooray...I think...I repeat, I think that my daughter, SIL and grandson might just be here for Easter. I love Easter because it allows me to
--work in the garden getting ready to show off my back yard;
--pull out the blue Easter Tree (I know it's corny) and decorate it with all my Easter ornaments;
--drag out Susannah's collection of ceramic rabbits that she got each year in her Easter basket (I love the little Beatrice Potter family with the baby kittens--that is what a baby rabbit is called)
-- pull out the Easter baskets that have been left at my house over the years. This year I bought one for Anderson that looks and quacks like a duck. Sydney's has a purple boa. Sigh;
-- buy lots and lots of plastic eggs to put toy cars, splash toys, rings, bugs, candy and change in. Amy Thomas told me that last year Trey found enough money in his eggs to pay the light bill.

So...I go a little Easter ridiculous. I'm already trying to get Bob to fertilize the grass (he says you don't fertilize until May--) Bah, Farmer McGregor!

1 comment:

Susannah said...

1. You are INSANE with the squirt toy/money egg hunt! So much fun!!

2. Clue Bop in that you DO fertilize in March.

3. I CAN'T WAIT to see you!